Getting started

Read the basics

You can check out the architecture and the features provided by the SHIELD platform.

Identify and download specific components

Determine which features you need and, based on that, which components you should install and configure.

Prepare your infrastructure

You will need to prepare your environment beforehand (for instance, the NFVI, and particularly OSM, will require one or more VIMs as OpenStack, VMware vCloud Director, AWS and OpenVIM). Some guidelines are provided here.

On a lower level you will also need to configure your hardware (whether it is to install the base Operating System, to install a TPM-based firmware in a switch or perform any configuration on a TPM-enabled server); as well as interconnect it properly to conform your infrastructure or testbed.

Install each component and apply configurations

Go through the README file available in the repository of each component. Look also for information on the installation guide.

The installed components must be configured before these can run. Check out the sample configuration files provided in the repository of each component, copy them into the final configuration file and update the templated values with your own. Again, refer to the installation guide for further details.

Run the components and use them

Upon a successful configuration and proper set-up of the environment, it is time to run all the components and perform manual tests to verify proper integration between the components in the SHIELD platform.

For instance, you may call a REST endpoint in the vNSFO API to start a workflow that involves several components and assess the final outcome against the expected one.

In the end, you may check the user guide to see how to access the components and operate with them.