
The SHIELD platform consists of a series of components. Its source code is available in different repositories within the GitHub repository. Each component provides its own README file and may need some third-party tools to be installed, as well as require some previous configuration in order for our software to work.

The following components are described:

vNSF Ecosystem

vNSF Store

  1. Download the source code:
    git clone
  2. Move ("cd") to the downloaded folder and read the README file
  3. Install the dependencies.
    First, the python-pip requirements:
    pip install -r requirements-store.txt
    Also install Docker:
    sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https curl software-properties-common python-pip
    curl -fsSL '' | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb$(lsb_release -cs) main"
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y install docker-engine
    sudo pip install docker-compose
  4. Start the component:
    cd docker && ./ --environment .env.production --verbose
    Then run the following to create the needed persistence volume:
    docker exec docker_store-persistence_1 bash -c "/usr/share/dev/store/docker/ --environment /usr/share/dev/store/docker/.env.production"
  5. When you no longer wish to use the component, you may stop its containers:
    cd docker && ./ --shutdown
    And also prune the system for unused resources:
    docker system prune; docker system prune --volumes

vNSF Orchestrator

  1. Download the source code:
    git clone
  2. Move ("cd") to the downloaded folder and read the README file
  3. Install the dependencies.
    The following script can be used:
    cd bin && ./
    This script generates the credentials for the server running the vNSFO API and generates a copy of the sample configuration files Also install Docker:
    sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce=17.09.1~ce-0~ubuntu
    sudo usermod -G docker $(whoami)
    sudo pip3 install docker-compose==1.17.1
  4. For each configuration folder, adapt with your values of choice. Configurations are available under the "conf" folder
    Determines the information of the server that runs the vNSFO API.
        host = # to serve it publicly or any other specific IP
        port = 8448 # port where the vNSFO API runs
        debug = True # enable or disable debug messages in the vNFO API logs (these can be checked via "docker logs -f docker_nfvo_1")
        https_enabled = True # enable or disable the vNSFO being served over HTTPS
        verify_client_cert = False # enable or disable the enforcement to trust the certificate of the client interacting with the vNSFO API
    Provides the mapping between the attacks identified in the DARE with the NSs instantiated by the vNSFO.
        default = l3filter_nsd # name of the NS package that will be instantiated to remediate an attack by default
    		# name of the NS package that will be instantiated to remediate an attack identified by DARE with the name in the left
        Worm = l3filter_nsd
        Wannacry = l3filter_nsd
        DoS = l3filter_nsd
        TCP flood = l3filter_nsd
        tcp_flood = l3filter_nsd
        UDP flood = l3filter_nsd
        udp_flood = l3filter_nsd
        Slowloris = l3filter_nsd
        dns_results = l3filter_nsd
        DNS tunneling = l3filter_nsd
        Cryptocurrency Mining = l3filter_nsd
    Configuration of the Mongo database.
    host = nfvo-db # Mongo DB exposed address
    port = 27017 # Mongo DB exposed port
    name = shield-nfvo # name of the db to insert collections
    user = user # user id for db
    password = user # password for user in db
    auth_source = admin # authSource parameter used by db
    admin_username = admin # admin user id for db
    admin_password = adminpass # password for admin user in db
    Configuration of the values required for the isolation and termination processes. Note that 2 KVM-based instances and 1 Docker-based instance are allowed.
        path = src/templates/isolation # path to the templates that will be used to perform isolation and termination procedures
        shutdown = # default file to execute a node shutdown
        delflow = # default file to execute a flow removal
        ifdown = # default file to execute an interface deactivation
        default_username = ubuntu # default user name that allows access to the virtual nodes deployed
        default_key = keys/default.pem # relative path (from the repo source) to the key that should be inserted in the nodes deployed (i.e., via the VIM)
        default_shutdown = sudo poweroff # default shutdown command to terminate nodes
        vim_account_id = d4ec6514-4760-47f5-914e-df951ac20dec # UUID in OSM of a specific KVM-based VIM
        identity_endpoint = https://openstack.shield.yourorganisation:5000/v3 # OpenStack endpoint for the identity service
        username = shield # username for the OpenStack identity service
        password = shield # password for the OpenStack identity service
        project_name = shield # project/tenant name to use in OpenStack
        domain_name = default # domain name to access OpenStack
        vim_account_id = 0cc01f33-f66d-47bd-8124-ca7ff2dbfc85 # UUID in OSM of a specific KVM-based VIM
        identity_endpoint = # OpenStack endpoint for the identity service
        username = shield # username for the OpenStack identity service
        password = shield # password for the OpenStack identity service
        project_name = shield # project/tenant name to use in OpenStack
        domain_name = default # domain name to access OpenStack
        vim_account_id = 260c6bfc-5b52-4341-96a0-72cbd254c662 # UUID in OSM of a specific Docker-based VIM
        identity_endpoint = # OpenStack-like endpoint for the identity service
        username = admin # username for the OpenStack-like identity service
        password = admin # password for the OpenStack-like identity service
        project_name = admin # project/tenant name to use in OpenStack
        domain_name = default  # domain name to access OpenStack
    Configuration of the NFVO endpoints (for both OSMr2 and OSMr4/OSMr5), as well as credentials and other information.
    # OSMr2 configuration
        host = # OSMr2 endpoint for the SO service
        port = 8000 # OSMr2 port for the SO service
        default_kvm_datacenter = d4ec6514-4760-47f5-914e-df951ac20dec # UUID in OSM of a specific KVM-based VIM
        default_docker_datacenter = 260c6bfc-5b52-4341-96a0-72cbd254c662 # UUID in OSM of a specific Docker-based VIM
        default_kvm_datacenter_net = provider # name of the management network for the KVM-based VIM (connecting the NFVO to the VNFs)
        default_docker_datacenter_net = default # name of the management network for the Docker-based VIM (connecting the NFVO to the VNFs)
        host = # OSMr2 endpoint for the package operations
        port = 443 # OSMr2 port for the package operations
        host = # OSMr2 endpoint for the RO service
        port = 9090 # OSMr2 port for the RO service
    # OSMr4/OSMr5 configuration
        protocol = https # protocol under which OSM is served
        host = # OSMr5 exposed endpoint
        port = 9999 # OSMr5 exposed port
        username = admin # username to access the OSMr5 endpoint
        password = admin # password to access the OSMr5 endpoint
        default_kvm_datacenter = d4ec6514-4760-47f5-914e-df951ac20dec # UUID in OSM of a specific KVM-based VIM
        default_docker_datacenter = 260c6bfc-5b52-4341-96a0-72cbd254c662 # UUID in OSM of a specific Docker-based VIM
        default_kvm_datacenter_net = provider # name of the management network for the KVM-based VIM (connecting the NFVO to the VNFs)
        default_docker_datacenter_net = default # name of the management network for the Docker-based VIM (connecting the NFVO to the VNFs)
        default_flavor = m1.small # default flavour to be used in OpenStack
    Configuration of the MSPL-related operations to be received by the vNSFO API.
        timeout = 3600 # time (in milliseconds) to wait for outcome of the monitoring process to check the operational and configuration status for the instantiated VNFs
        interval = 5 # time (in seconds) between the monitoring process is called again
        target_status = running # target status that a VNF should reach to consider the instantiation to be successful
    Data related to the SDN controller and the network device the vNSFO API interacts with. Note that 1 controller (ODL Carbon) and 1 device are allowed.
        push_delay = 10000 # delay between pushing any rule and attesting (in milliseconds)
        protocol = http # protocol under which ODL is served
        host = # ODL exposed endpoint
        port = 8181 # ODL exposed port
        username = admin # username to access ODL
        password = admin # password to access ODL
        default_device = openflow:112591078470795328 # dpid of the switch
        default_table = 0 # default table
    Configuration to reach the Trust Monitor instance.
        host = # Trust Monitor exposed address
        port = 443 # Trust Monitor exposed port
        protocol = https # protocol under which the Trust Monitor is served
        default_analysis_type = load-time+cont-check,l_req=l4_ima_all_ok|==,cont-list= # identifier of the analysis to carry out
        default_pcr0 = example # default PCR0 value
        default_distribution = CentOS7 # default Operating System distribution for the attestation
        default_driver = linux # default driver to perform the attestation
        default_node = nfvi-node # name in OSM of the default Docker-based VIM to attest
    Trusted set of flows that act as a reference for the SDN attestation of the flows in the switch. This equals to the compressed JSON output of the operational endpoint (e.g., "") in ODL.
  5. Start the component:
    Initially this will create both the volumes for the vNSFO API and the DB. In subsequent runs, the DB volume will be retained and re-used from disk
  6. When you no longer wish to use the component, you may stop its containers:
    And also prune the system for unused resources:
    docker system prune; docker system prune --volumes

Trusted Infrastructure

Trust Monitor

  1. Download the source code:
    git clone
  2. Move ("cd") to the downloaded folder and read the README file
  3. Install the dependencies.
    Install Docker:
    sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce
    Also install Docker-compose:
    sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  4. Adapt the configuration with your values of choice
    Configuration to reach the Trust Monitor instance. At least the following must be configured:
    CASSANDRA_LOCATION = $WHITELIST_DB_IP # instance running the white-list database
    CASSANDRA_PORT = '9160' # default port where Cassandra runs
  5. Start the component:
    docker-compose up --build
  6. When you no longer wish to use the component, you may stop its containers:
    docker-compose rm
    And also prune the system for unused resources:
    docker system prune; docker system prune --volumes

Big Data Analytics

Security Dashboard

  1. Download the source code:
    git clone
  2. Move ("cd") to the downloaded folder and read the README file
  3. Install the dependencies.
    First, the python-pip requirements:
    pip install -r requirements-store.txt
    Also install Docker:
    sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https curl software-properties-common python-pip
    curl -fsSL '' | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb$(lsb_release -cs) main"
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y install docker-engine
    sudo pip install docker-compose
  4. Start the component:
    cd docker && ./ --environment .env.production --verbose
    Then run the following to create the needed persistence volume:
    docker exec -it docker_dashboard-persistence_1 bash -c "/usr/share/dev/dashboard/docker/ --environment .env.production"
  5. When you no longer wish to use the component, you may stop its containers:
    cd docker && ./ --shutdown
    And also prune the system for unused resources:
    docker system prune; docker system prune --volumes

Data acquisition and storage

  1. Install the dependencies for the component: Then, install the python-pip packages:
    pip install pyspark==2.2.0.post0

DARE Workers

Streaming Worker

  1. Download the source code:
    git clone
  2. Move ("cd") to the downloaded folder and read the README file
  3. Install the dependencies for the component.
    First, the packages from the Operating System:
    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv zip
    Then, install the python-pip packages:
    pip install avro
  4. Adapt the configuration with your values of choice
    Configuration of a given worker:
      "database": "spotdb", # name of the Hive DB where data is ingested
      "kerberos": { # configuration for the network authentication protocol
        "kinit": "/usr/bin/kinit",
        "principal": "spotuser",
        "keytab": "/opt/security/spotuser.keytab"
      "zkQuorum": "cloudera01:2181" # Zookeeper connection string
  5. Start the component:
    ./ -t "pipeline_configuration" --topic "my_topic" -p "num_of_partition"
    # Examples
    ./ -t flow --topic SPOT-INGEST-TEST-TOPIC -p 1
    ./ -t flow --topic SPOT-INGEST-TEST-TOPIC -p 1 2>/tmp/spark2-submit.log
    ./ -t dns --topic SPOT-INGEST-DNS-TEST-TOPIC -p 2 -a AppIngestDNS -b 10 -g DNS-GROUP

Simple Worker

  1. Download the source code:
    git clone
  2. Move ("cd") to the downloaded folder and read the README file
  3. First, the packaes from the Operating System:
    sudo apt-get -y install python-virtualenv
    Then, install the python-pip packages:
    virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install the worker
    python install
  5. Adapt the configuration with your values of choice
    Configuration of a given worker:
    	"consumer": { # configuration parameters for the KafkaConsumer
    		"bootstrap_servers": ["kafka_server:kafka_port"],
    		"group_id": ""
    	"kerberos": { # configuration for the network authentication protocol
    		"kinit": "/usr/bin/kinit",
    		"principal": "user",
    		"keytab": "/opt/security/user.keytab"
  6. Start the component:
    s-worker --topic "my_topic" -p "num_of_partition" -d "path_to_HDFS"
    # Examples
    s-worker --topic SPOT-INGEST-TEST-TOPIC -p 0 -d /user/spotuser/flow/stage
    s-worker --topic SPOT-INGEST-DNS-TEST-TOPIC -p 0 -d /user/spotuser/dns/stage --parallel-processes 8 -i 30
    s-worker --topic SPOT-INGEST-TEST-TOPIC -p 2 -d /user/spotuser/flow/stage -l DEBUG
  7. When you no longer wish to use the component, you may deactivate its virtual environment:
    rm -r venv/


Big Data cluster

  1. Install the dependencies for the Spot framework: And finally install Spot.
  2. Install the following Spot components:
    • spot-setup: scripts that create the required HDFS paths, HIVE tables and configuration for Apache Spot (incubating). Must be located in the Ingest VM
    • spot-ingest: binary and log files are captured or transferred into the Hadoop cluster, where they are transformed and loaded into solution data stores. Must be located in the Ingest VM
    • spot-ml: machine learning algorithms are used for anomaly detection. Must be located in the ClusterOrchestrator
    • spot-oa: data output from the machine learning component is augmented with context and heuristics, then is available to the user for interacting with it. Must be located in the ClusterOrchestrator
  3. The nodes available to the Big Data cluster must each have a defined role in Cloudera:
    • Orchestrator: configured as the Master Node, includes all the management services and required gateways. Moreover, the ML and OA components are located in this host
    • Worker 1: configured as a Worker Node
    • Worker 2: configured as a Worker Node
    • Ingest (big-shield): configured as a Ingest Node. Includes the Impala and HIVE components
  4. Configure the services in Cloudera as follows:
    Role Type		State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Balancer		N/A		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Balancer Default Group
    DataNode		Started		worker2			Commissioned		DataNode Default Group
    DataNode		Started		worker1			Commissioned		DataNode Default Group
    NameNode (Active)	Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		NameNode Default Group
    SecondaryNameNode	Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		SecondaryNameNode Default Group
    Role Type		State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Gateway			N/A		worker2			Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		worker1			Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		big-shield		Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Hive Metastore Server	Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Hive Metastore Server Default Group
    HiveServer2		Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		HiveServer2 Default Group
    Role Type		State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Impala Catalog Server	Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Impala Catalog Server Default Group
    Impala Daemon		Started		worker2			Commissioned		Impala Daemon Default Group
    Impala Daemon		Started		worker1			Commissioned		Impala Daemon Default Group
    Impala Daemon		Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Impala Daemon Default Group
    Impala Daemon		Stopped		big-shield		Commissioned		Impala Daemon Default Group
    Impala StateStore	Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Impala StateStore Default Group
    Role Type				State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Kafka Broker (Active Controller)	Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Kafka Broker Default Group
    Kafka Broker				Started		big-shield		Commissioned		Kafka Broker Default Group
    Role Type		State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Gateway			N/A		worker2			Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		worker1			Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		big-shield		Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    History Server		Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		History Server Default Group
    Spark 2
    Role Type		State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Gateway			N/A		worker2			Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		worker1			Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    Gateway			N/A		big-shield		Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    History Server		Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		History Server Default Group
    (MR2 included)
    Role Type		 State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Gateway			 N/A		big-shield		Commissioned		Gateway Default Group
    JobHistory Server	 Started	ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		JobHistory Server Default Group
    NodeManager		 Started	worker2			Commissioned		NodeManager Default Group
    NodeManager		 Started	worker1			Commissioned		NodeManager Default Group
    NodeManager		 Started	ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		NodeManager Default Group
    ResourceManager (Active) Started	ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		ResourceManager Default Group
    Role Type		State		Host			Commission State	Role Group
    Server			Started		worker1			Commissioned		Server Default Group
    Server			Started		ClusterOrchestrator	Commissioned		Server Default Group
    Server			Started		big-shield		Commissioned		Server Default Group

VIM for the VNFs

In SHIELD, the VIMs in use are both OpenStack (All-in-One, running on top of Centos 7 - centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64) and vim-emu (a VIM that supports Docker and offers virtualised APIs for OpenStack)

OpenStack Ocata

The OpenStack instance used in the project is the "Ocata" distribution, running on top of CentOS 7.5.1804. It uses OpenStack All-in-One (AiO) to automate the installation and configuration procedure by using Ansible scripts

  • Install the CentOS operating system and configure it.
    The partitions for root (“/”), swap, volumes (“/cinder”) and other OpenStack data (“/openstack”) must be defined first, then its mounting point must be set. For instance:
    /dev/md126: "/" RAID1: /dev/sda1 & /dev/sdb1 (130 GiB / 133120 MiB)
    /dev/md127: "swap" RAID1: /dev/sda2 & /dev/sdb2 (9832 MiB)
    /dev/md125: "/cinder" RAID1: /dev/sdc1 & /dev/sdd1 (200 GiB / 204800 MiB)
    /dev/md124: "/openstack" RAID1: /dev/sdc2 & /dev/sdd2 (695 GiB / 711680 MiB)
    # A sensible outcome of the "df -h" command is as follows:
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/md126      130G   14G  117G  11% /
    devtmpfs         63G     0   63G   0% /dev
    tmpfs            63G     0   63G   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs            63G  2.4G   61G   4% /run
    tmpfs            63G     0   63G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/md124      755M   34M  721M   5% /openstack
    /dev/md125      200G   33M  200G   1% /cinder
    tmpfs            13G     0   13G   0% /run/user/0
    tmpfs            13G     0   13G   0% /run/user/1000
    Install dependencies
    yum -y install vim net-tools policycoreutils-python ansible atop htop iotop git ntp ntpdate bridge-utils lsof lvm2 openssh-server sudo tcpdump vlan bridge-utils iputils
    yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
    yum upgrade
    yum reboot
    yum install -y git ntp ntpdate openssh-server python-devel sudo '@Development Tools'
    Configure the network as you wish to connect to other devices.
    Note: "eno1" should provide management and Internet access (i.e., have a reachable IP); whilst "eno2" should be connected to the external OpenStack network (“VLAN” and “FLAT” types)
    sudo ip address add dev eno1
    # gateway:
    echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
    vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1
    # Set eno1 with:
    # Restart network
    systemctl restart network
    service network restart
    Configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) in /etc/ntp.conf to synchronize with a suitable time source and start the service
    systemctl enable ntpd.service
    systemctl start ntpd.service
    Secure your NFVI PoP by hcanging the SSH port (use "semanage" and "fireall-cmd", then restart the "sshd" service), insert SSH keys, do not allow password-based access and do not allow root access, etc
    Manually create the bridges
    brctl addbr br-mgmt
    brctl addbr br-storage
    # Created by ASIS (should these be added?)
    brctl addbr br-vlan
    brctl addbr br-vxlan
  • Download the OpenStack Ansible repository for Ocata
    git clone -b stable/ocata /opt/openstack-ansible
  • Install the OpenStack Ansible playbooks
    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/
  • Configure the OpenStack Ansible templates according to your needs. Features like VLAN shall be enabled, bridges must be created in the Operating System (manual creation produces the best results), the definition of the Swift and Nova loopback disks shall take place, as well as other data such as the bridge to link the virtual interfaces of the VMs deployed by OpenStack
    # Add appropriate kernel modules to the /etc/modules tile to enable VLAN and bond ifaces
    echo "# Load the bonding kernel module at boot" > /etc/modules-load.d/bonding.conf
    echo "bonding" >> /etc/modules-load.d/bonding.conf
    echo "# Load the 8021.q/VLAN kernel module at boot" > /etc/modules-load.d/vlan.conf
    echo "8021q" >> /etc/modules-load.d/vlan.conf
    # Copy and edit generic configuration
    cp -Rp /opt/openstack-ansible/etc/openstack_deploy /etc/openstack_deploy/
    cd /etc/openstack_deploy
    cp -p openstack_user_config.yml.example /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml
    # Define values for network ranges in the following file
    vim openstack_user_config.yml
    # Update the following configuration file with values
    vim /opt/openstack-ansible/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/defaults/main.yml
        # Size of the Swift loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
        #bootstrap_host_loopback_swift_size: 1024               ## OLD VALUE
        bootstrap_host_loopback_swift_size: 250                 ## NEW VALUE
        # Size of the Nova loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
        #bootstrap_host_loopback_nova_size: 1024                ## OLD VALUE
        bootstrap_host_loopback_nova_size: 250                  ## NEW VALUE
        # See for more details.
        bootstrap_host_bridge_mgmt_ports: none
        bootstrap_host_bridge_vxlan_ports: none
        bootstrap_host_bridge_storage_ports: none
        #bootstrap_host_bridge_vlan_ports: "br-vlan-veth"        ## OLD VALUE
        bootstrap_host_bridge_vlan_ports: "eno2"                 ## NEW VALUE
  • Configure the system
    # Define previous interface (eno2) so that it is attached to VLAN bridge (br-vlan)
    vim /opt/openstack-ansible/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/templates/osa_interfaces.cfg.j2
    	auto br-vlan
    	iface br-vlan inet static
    	    bridge_stp off
    	    bridge_waitport 0
    	    bridge_fd 0
    	    offload-sg off
    	    # Create veth pair, don't bomb if already exists
    	    pre-up ip link add br-vlan-veth type veth peer name eth12 || true
    	    # Set both ends UP
    	    pre-up ip link set br-vlan-veth up
    	    pre-up ip link set eth12 up
    	    # Delete veth pair on DOWN
    	    post-down ip link del br-vlan-veth || true
    	    # bridge_ports br-vlan-veth                                         ## OLD VALUE
    	    ## “eno2” to be used for VLAN-based bridges
    	    bridge_ports br-vlan-veth     ## NEW VALUE
    # If the above does not work, create the following file and make it executable
    vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post-veth-br-vlan-2-eno2
    	#!/usr/bin/env bash
    	if [ "${DEVICE}" == "br-vlan" ]; then
    	    # Attach eno2 to the bridge
    	    brctl addif br-vlan eno2 || true
    chmod +x /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post-veth-br-vlan-2-eno2
    Then, set "eno2" network interface to be set-up in UP mode along with "eno1" (see here:
    # Create the file with the following content and make it executable
    vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post-eno1
    	#!/usr/bin/env bash
    	if [ "${DEVICE}" == "eno1" ]; then
    	  if [ "True" == "True" ]; then
    	    ip link set eno2 up
    chmod +x /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post-eno1
    # Call it from the automatic network script
    vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post
    	. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post-eno1           ## NEW VALUE
    	(... Other similar ifup-post-${eth} calls ...)
    	exit 0
    # Override the wheel's version in the "repo" container (otherwise the Python wheels may fail)
    vim /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml
    	# Use a newer version of libvirt-python to avoid issues in repo
    	# Example:
    	 - "libvirt-python==4.0.0"
    	 - "libvirt==4.0.0"
  • Finally, run the OpenStack bootstrap script, verify that the environment is according to the configuration defined before running such script and run the whole setup via its specific playbook
    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/
    All Ansible tasks should be OK. Verify the configuration of the system at this point. For instance, the bridges should be more or less as follows (though "lxcbr0" may not be there)
    brctl show
    bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
    br-mgmt         8000.000000000000       no
    br-storage      8000.000000000000       no
    br-vlan         8000.96c558969050       no              br-vlan-veth
    br-vxlan        8000.000000000000       no
    lxcbr0          8000.000000000000       no
  • Get the Keystone password to be able to access (Horizon or RC file):
    cat /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml | grep "keystone_auth_admin_password"
    keystone_auth_admin_password: ***
  • Run the whole installation
    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/
    openstack-ansible setup-everything.yml
    Wait for it to end and check the "Play recap" to verify that all the playbooks and tasks did run successfully
After the deployment, the OpenStack server must be running a total of 23 LXC containers, each with its own specific service and have enabled different bridges for the management, storage, connectivity (VLAN, VxLAN and/or others, as defined in the previous configuration step). In our setup, this is linked to the SDN switch and to another switch, which is connected to a router for Internet access. Partners accessing the infrastructure are to given access via their OpenVPN client and log-in with their given credentials
The system should present the following status as well:
# Partitions
$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md126      130G   26G  105G  20% /
devtmpfs         63G     0   63G   0% /dev
tmpfs            63G     0   63G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs            63G  2.5G   61G   4% /run
tmpfs            63G     0   63G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/md124      755M  754M  212K 100% /openstack
/dev/md125      200G   33M  200G   1% /cinder
tmpfs            13G     0   13G   0% /run/user/0
tmpfs            13G     0   13G   0% /run/user/1000
/dev/loop1      246G   61M  234G   1% /var/lib/nova/instances
/dev/loop2      250G   33M  250G   1% /srv/swift1.img
/dev/loop3      250G   33M  250G   1% /srv/swift2.img
/dev/loop4      250G   33M  250G   1% /srv/swift3.img

# Bridges and interfaces
$ brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
br-mgmt         8000.fe2e686e7080       no              01c95cb6_eno1
br-storage      8000.fe4b479aa98e       no              11229f9b_eth2
br-vlan         8000.96c558969050       no              br-vlan-veth
br-vxlan        8000.fe94bf4e3e2e       no              f9ef960b_eno10
lxcbr0          8000.fe07f389e9a2       no              01c95cb6_eth0

# Running containers and usage

# lxc-ls
aio1_cinder_api_container-b78dc1c8          aio1_cinder_scheduler_container-5e4dd83e    aio1_designate_container-df4c9e53
aio1_galera_container-73b26a6f              aio1_glance_container-2e82cc87              aio1_heat_apis_container-296dffbc
aio1_heat_engine_container-01c95cb6         aio1_horizon_container-0cfb9ab5             aio1_keystone_container-be28270f
aio1_memcached_container-82787a2c           aio1_neutron_agents_container-f9ef960b      aio1_neutron_server_container-1fa77522
aio1_nova_api_metadata_container-206b8dea   aio1_nova_api_os_compute_container-faf74974 aio1_nova_api_placement_container-cbfc9b1f
aio1_nova_conductor_container-9c90639f      aio1_nova_console_container-4a124a3f        aio1_nova_scheduler_container-1ede6a57
aio1_rabbit_mq_container-9653749e           aio1_repo_container-9c40ab85                aio1_rsyslog_container-1ed01d5d
aio1_swift_proxy_container-11229f9b         aio1_utility_container-0eb6e266

# lxc-top
Container                   CPU          CPU          CPU          BlkIO        Mem
Name                       Used          Sys         User          Total       Used
aio1_cinder_api_co         2.97         1.43         1.45       4.00 KiB  25.14 MiB
aio1_cinder_schedu         2.72         1.28         1.34       4.00 KiB  25.16 MiB
aio1_designate_con         2.90         1.34         1.45       4.00 KiB  25.17 MiB
aio1_galera_contai         3.03         1.51         1.44       4.00 KiB  25.07 MiB
aio1_glance_contai         3.38         1.71         1.57       4.00 KiB  25.19 MiB
aio1_heat_apis_con         3.09         1.56         1.45       4.00 KiB  25.07 MiB
aio1_heat_engine_c         2.82         1.34         1.40       4.00 KiB  25.18 MiB
aio1_horizon_conta         3.09         1.52         1.49       4.00 KiB  24.96 MiB
aio1_keystone_cont         2.95         1.44         1.41       4.00 KiB  25.03 MiB
aio1_memcached_con         2.85         1.37         1.39       4.00 KiB  25.18 MiB
aio1_neutron_agent         3.81         1.82         1.89       4.00 KiB  27.04 MiB
aio1_neutron_serve         2.93         1.44         1.40       4.00 KiB  25.08 MiB
aio1_nova_api_meta         2.95         1.46         1.41       4.00 KiB  25.24 MiB
aio1_nova_api_os_c         2.95         1.49         1.37       4.00 KiB  25.33 MiB
aio1_nova_api_plac         3.03         1.51         1.44        0.00     25.06 MiB
aio1_nova_conducto         2.83         1.35         1.41        0.00     27.11 MiB
aio1_nova_console_         2.85         1.39         1.39       4.00 KiB  25.00 MiB
aio1_nova_schedule         2.86         1.37         1.40       4.00 KiB  25.08 MiB
aio1_rabbit_mq_con         3.24         1.68         1.46       4.00 KiB  25.06 MiB
aio1_repo_containe       273.26        51.84       219.80     148.84 MiB 832.54 MiB
aio1_rsyslog_conta         2.92         1.35         1.50       4.00 KiB  25.20 MiB
aio1_swift_proxy_c         3.08         1.46         1.52       4.00 KiB  25.21 MiB
aio1_utility_conta         3.13         1.55         1.50       4.00 KiB  25.07 MiB
TOTAL 23 of 23           339.65        84.21       251.88     148.92 MiB   1.35 GiB


The VIM-emulator instance for testing the container-based Network Services does run on a single host machine equipped with CentOS Linux 7.5.1804 and Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 1.2 (the latter being needed for proper attestation by the Trust Monitor).
The host runs kernel 4.4.19 with a modified version of the Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) module to support container attestation. It also runs an instance of the OpenAttestation (OAT) HostAgent software for measuring the platform trust along with containers’ individual trust


In SHIELD, the NFVO of choice is OSM. The supported releases are TWO, FOUR, FIVE.

OSM release FIVE

OSM releases FOUR and FIVE introduced several changes w.r.t release TWO, both at the end-user side and at the northbound APIs.

  1. Install and configure OSM in your environment by following these installation steps
  2. Setup the network configuration.
    OSM must be running in a server that is connected to the NFVI PoP (that is, where the VNFs will be instantiated and running). The network interconnecting the OSM VM and the NFVI PoP is the network of "management" type and it is defined in the NFVI PoP itself. For instance, you may use a network called "provider" with range
  3. Configure OSM by defining the VIM(s) with the following values: "name, type=OpenStack, vim url (endpoint for the Openstack Identity service), vim username, vim password, tenant/project name, vim network name=provider"
  4. Onboard the different vNSF and NS packages. Note that in OSM the vNSF package must be onboarded first (as the NS package refers to it in its NSD)

SDN controller

In SHIELD, the SDN controller used in conjuction with the vNSF Orchestrator (specifically with the vNSFO API) and the Trust Monitor is OpenDayLight in its version "Carbon 0.6.3". The controller enables the control of the SDN switch and allows to dynamically manage its network flow rules.

  1. Install Java. It should match the following version:
    openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-8u212-b03-0ubuntu1.16.04.1-b03)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.212-b03, mixed mode)
  2. Download the OpenDayLight Carbon 0.6.3 compressed file
  3. Uncompress the file
    tar zxvf distribution-karaf-0.6.3-Carbon.tar.gz
  4. Move to the binaries folder and run the Karaf subsystem binary
    cd bin
  5. Access the Karaf console. Since OpenDaylight does not support the control of layer 2 devices out of the box, multiple other features are required to enable this functionality. This will be configured controller
    ssh karaf@ -p 8101 # use "karaf" as password
    feature:install odl-mdsal-models odl-aaa-shiro odl-akka-scala-2.11 odl-akkasystem-2.4 odl-akka-clustering-2.4 odl-akka-leveldb-0.7 odl-akkapersistence-2.4 odl-netty odl-netty-4 odl-guava-18 odl-lmax-3 odl-triemap0.2 odl-restconf-all odl-restconf odl-restconf-noauth odl-mdsal-apidocs odlyangtools-yang-data odl-yangtools-common odl-yangtools-yang-parser odl-aaaapi odl-aaa-authn odl-aaa-encryption-service odl-aaa-cert odlopenflowplugin-southbound-he odl-openflowplugin-nsf-model-he odlopenflowplugin-app-lldp-speaker-he odl-mdsal-dom odl-mdsal-common odl-mdsaldom-api odl-mdsal-dom-broker odl-mdsal-binding-base odl-mdsal-bindingruntime odl-mdsal-binding-api odl-mdsal-binding-dom-adapter odl-mdsal-eoscommon odl-mdsal-eos-dom odl-mdsal-eos-binding odl-mdsal-singleton-common odl-mdsal-singleton-dom standard config region package http war kar ssh management odl-openflowplugin-flow-services-ui odl-openflowplugin-flowservices-rest odl-openflowplugin-flow-services odl-openflowplugin-southbound odl-openflowplugin-nsf-model odl-openflowplugin-app-config-pusher odlopenflowplugin-app-topology odl-openflowplugin-app-forwardingrules-manager odl-l2switch-switch odl-l2switch-switch-rest odl-l2switch-switch-ui odll2switch-hosttracker odl-l2switch-addresstracker odl-l2switch-arphandler odl-l2switch-loopremover odl-l2switch-packethandler odl-dluxappsapplications odl-dluxapps-nodes odl-dluxapps-topology odl-dluxapps-yangui odl-dluxapps-yangman odl-dluxapps-yangvisualizer pax-jetty pax-http paxhttp-whiteboard pax-war odl-config-persister odl-config-startup odl-dluxcore odl-config-netty odl-config-api odl-config-netty-config-api odl-configcore odl-config-manager odl-openflowjava-protocol odl-mdsal-all odl-mdsalcommon odl-mdsal-broker-local odl-toaster odl-mdsal-xsql odl-mdsalclustering-commons odl-mdsal-distributed-datastore odl-mdsal-remoterpcconnector odl-mdsal-broker
  6. Setup the network configuration
    • The VM where ODL runs must be in the same network as the SDN-enabled switch. For instance, the ODL VM used in the project runs on a server that is connected to the switch via an intermediate switch that is tagged with an appropriate VLAN. Other possible setups would be to physically connect one interface of such server to the switch
    • The setup of the interfaces is as follows:
      • The server has a bridge that links i) the interface connected to the switch with ii) the interface assigned to the VLAN in use for the switch (as well as external connectivity)
      • The ODL VM has one interface connected to a virtual network (e.g.,
      In summary, the IP of the bridge in the server (e.g., and the IP of the interface of the ODL VM (e.g., must be in the same range.
  7. Enable TLS encryption of the OpenFlow traffic. To do so, a CA must be created.
    The intermediate pair must be skipped if the switch does not support chained certificates. The leaf certificates are signed directly with the root certificate by using the “policy_loose” preset.

    On the switch, commands similar to the following ones (for HP Aruba 3800) must be issued
    config term
    crypto pki ta-profile 
    copy tftp ta-certificate   
    crypto pki identity-profile SwitchIdentity subject 
    crypto pki create-csr certificate-name  ta-profile 
    usage openflow
    This will generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in the terminal. The corresponding certificate, using the “usr_cert“ preset, is created and then installed with the following command:
    crypto pki install-signed-certificate

    For ODL, a certificate must first be generated by using the "server_cert" preset
    sudo openssl pkcs12 -export -in  -inkey  -out ctl.p12 -name 
    The export password must be set to "opendaylight" (otherwise the ODL configuration shall be changed according to the password of choice). Note that the following commands use this default password.
    Then, the certificate must be imported to the keystore
    keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass opendaylight -destkeypass opendaylight -destkeystore ctl.jks -srckeystore ctl.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass opendaylight -alias odlserver
    Also, the switch certificate must be imported into the truststore:
    keytool -importcert -file SwitchCert.pem -keystore truststore.jks -storepass opendaylight

    Then the Java Key Store (JKS files: ctl.jks and truststore.jks) files are copied into the ODL folder “./configuration/ssl”
    Finally, TLS is enabled in the OpenFlow connection via the following configuration (in file "/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/default-openflowconnection-config.xml")

SDN switch

The SDN switch is connected to the SDN controller and must be configured accordingly (for instance, reachable via sharing the same VLAN). Also, the SDN switch should feature a TPM switch that allows to fetch metrics that assess its trustworthy (or not) state.

  1. Create a VLAN.
    The setup of the switch (here, the HP Aruba 3800) requires its connection to the OpenFlow controller. In order to be managed by the OpenDaylight controller, a dedicated VLAN must also be instantiated: the management VLAN. At least one port must be part of it and configured to reach the ODL controller (it is instantiated similarly to the managed network described below). In order to create a managed network, another VLAN is necessary.
    To create a VLAN, instantiate an OpenFlow instance and assign ports to it, these commands should be issued on the switch console:
    config term
    At least one port shall be set as untagged for the VLAN, so that it is assigned to the VLAN.
  2. On the managed network, a virtual OpenFlow instance is defined and configured to connect to the ODL controller. OpenFlow 1.0 must be enabled:
    config term
     controller-id  ip  controllerinterface vlan 
     instance "odl_"
     version 1.0
     member vlan 
     controller-id  [secure]
     flow-location hardware-only
    If the ODL instance is secured with TLS, the secure option must be set when configuring the controller ID for the instance.
    Following these commands, the general status of the OpenFlow instance can be monitored with show openflow, while the details of the instance can be checked with
    show openflow instance 
  3. To allow communication between the switch and the Trust Monitor, SNMP has to be enabled. To enable SNMPv3, type
    config term
    snmpv3 enable
    Then follow the on-screen instructions. Once finished, type:
    snmpv3 user  auth sha  priv aes 
    snmpv3 group managerpriv user  sec-model ver3
    This sets the user passwords and encryption algorithms, and it also assigns the user to the manager/privacy group